The love ladder represents the phases through which this feeling can turn your life upside down develops. there can be moments of uphill and downhill, and then there are dark moments that only by going through them you fully understand what it means to love.
The Love Scale represents the phases through which this feeling that can turn your life upside down develops. There can be moments of uphill, moments of downhill, and then there can be dark moments that only once passed through you fully understand what it means to love. The peculiarity of this work consists in the fact that it takes on different facets depending on the position of the observer. If observed from the side, it may seem like a simple staircase, while only by observing it from the front does one understand that these stairs contain the symbol of love. Furthermore, as love changes, this work also transforms. By turning off the lights, the writing "LOVE" appears only in the darkness, as does this fundamental feeling that represents a beacon in the night in the most difficult moments of each of us. In this work they explored for the first time the possibilities offered by the use of phosphorescent bricks, which during the day appear slightly more opaque than white bricks, but which glow in the dark. The Ladder of Love is therefore doubly innovative, since not only does the message change depending on the perspective from which it is observed - only a frontal observation highlights the presence of the universal symbol of love - but in this case light plays a fundamental role . In the absence of lighting, the word “LOVE” shines in the darkness, guiding the observer like a lighthouse in the middle of the sea.
In this work, we have explored for the first time the possibilities offered by the use of fluorescent bricks, which during the day appear slightly more opaque compared to white bricks but glow in the darkness. The Love Ladder is therefore doubly innovative, as not only does the message change depending on the perspective from which it is observed – only a frontal observation highlights the presence of the universal symbol of love – but in this case, light plays a fundamental role. In the absence of illumination, the word 'LOVE' shines in the dark, guiding the observer like a beacon in the middle of the sea.