This piece represents the entrapped light in all of us. it means to demonstrate that light could escape its cylindris cage through each tiny slot, until completely released upwards, with a change perspective, in a perfect circle shape. "cylinder of light" is not only an art piece per se, but can also integrate itself in the home decor, blending with traditional furniture and creating a unique and special touch in your daily life.
AGGIUNGERE 66 pezzi altezza 10 pezzi coonne etc..
This work of art represents the light trapped in each of us. It aims to demonstrate how light can escape its cylindrical cage through every tiny crack, until it is completely freed upwards, with a change of perspective, from the perfect shape of a circle. “Cilindro di luce - Cylinder of Light” is not only a work of art in itself, but can also integrate into the decor of a home, blending in with traditional furniture and creating a unique and special touch in your daily life. This work was designed using opaque plastic bricks that do not let light through. Arranged in a cylindrical shape, they represent the "cage" that tries to close and block the inner light that each of us possesses and which represents our joy of living, our positivity and optimism. The cage can be interpreted as negativity, which, even if it seems fragile and unstable like plastic bricks, can extinguish and kill our inner light. Seen from the front, the work looks like a cylinder, but as you get closer you notice the small cracks that let the light pass through; this symbolizes how appearances can be misleading. If we wish, we can break the cage that blocks our light. Looking at this work from different perspectives, such as from above, we see how the perfect shape of the circle is defined and how the light can come out freely and strongly upwards. This symbolizes the fact that we must always see situations from different perspectives… When we least expect it, we may see our light shine. The challenge was to create a piece that had full and empty areas, to create areas of light and shadow and make the lamp work not only functional, but also to create a particular play of light, given precisely by the combination of the bricks in a circle. Unlike some of their works, this piece can easily be inserted into the furnishings of a home and "blend into" living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and then surprise an attentive observer when he notices its particularity and uniqueness. This is the objective achieved in this work of art: to create a structure with opaque plastic bricks using full and empty spaces to generate a play of light and shadow. The artists used the unconventional “folding” technique to insert empty spaces and at the same time maintain a harmonious and non-boxy structure. The result is the work "Cilindro di luce - Cylinder of Light", which represents a message of positivity and achievement and which can be used as an interior lamp thanks to its elegance and versatility.
This it the purpose of this art piece: creating a sructure with bricks made of opaque plastic using full and empty spaces to generate a play of light and shadow. The artists have used a non conventional technique of bending to insert empty spaces and maintain at the same time an harmonious structure and not too squared. The result is the piece "Cylinder of Light", that represents a message of positivity and realization that could be used as a lamp for internal home decos thanks ot its versatility and elegance.
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